Well to say February was dull would be far from the truth, we survived that is what I will say....Yay us. We have had 3 rounds of strep throat, Influenza B, and my dad had double bi-pass heart surgery and this would be one year without my grandma. My mom wants to skip February next year wonder if that is possible?
I had to face some things this month with my dad having heart surgery mainly that my parents are human. It was kinda scary to realize that people that you thought would always be there could be snapped away in an instant. Yes I am old enough to know that we all came with an expiration date stamped on us but it is another thing to think about that fact or to have it pushed in your face. I also realized that as much as I empathize with my husband or my mom over the loss of their parents, I don't have a clue what it is like to not be able to pick up the phone and call them or ask stupid questions just to reassure yourself that your right and that they will be in your court. My dad is fine and hopefully I won't have to hang my toes off that bridge anytime soon a little scare was enough for now.
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1 year ago