Well we have made it through the first week of school and I think it is going to be a great year. I love my schedule and I think we might have found a co-worker that we can fit into our classroom (will keep you posted on this) my schedule is amazing I spend almost all day soaking up science information perfect for me, for the first time in about 3 years I am looking forward to work on Monday.
The fall preview was last night I was really impressed with both of my cheer squads. We have some work to do with the Jr. High but fall preview always gives me a different view outside the gym and it allows the girls to work out their nerves of being in front of a crowd. The high school looked amazing and even had a stunt sequence they put together, we still have more work to do but they are a great group with lots of motivation.
The cheerleaders hosted the Welcome back dance last night, it was packed and from the post of Facebook the kids had a good time. Now we start gearing up for homecoming at least we are not in charge of that weeks activities so I can sit back and enjoy it.
I will try and keep you posted on how things are going :)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Short update
Posted by Angie at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: August
Monday, August 1, 2011
My life is blessed
We have had a really good summer. I decided I wasn't working this summer I was going to enjoy my time with my girls, really the last summer they will both be home. Allissa will be a Jr. this next year and have to get a job to start saving for college. I can honestly say I have tried to make this summer about whatever we wanted to do swim, watch movies, stay up late then sleep even later. The house doesn't look like we are expecting guest but I really don't care, our schedule has been whatever we want it to be.........love this!!! So what have we done this summer well we spent a LOT of time at the pool, I don't think I have been this tan since I was 12 and we...We had the Clay County Style review and the fair. My niece Alex came and stayed with us for a week. I love having her seeing the farm through her eyes is always an experience, she lives in a big town so her take on what we do is so fun.
Went on a walks by Manhattan and explored path's we have never been on.
We did the spring show thing and showed several weekends in a row, great family time.
We showed goats and sheep, laughed a lot, cried a little and learned every time we left the house
Jasper helped us weed the flower bed, keeping flowers alive in the heat is a challenge, need work on this
We attended Cheer camp for the Jr. High cheerleaders, I have a total of 18 this year (short a couple in this picture) it should make for a interesting year, looking forward to it.
Kaylee played summer league basketball, she loves this sport and keeps improving each year it is fun to watch her
The High school cheer squad also attended camps this summer, there are only 8 this year (short one in this pic) but they are amazing they received the Herkie award at NCA camp for the squad that worked together the best. This is going to be a fun year with them.
We went fishing Allissa caught a good sized fish and was so excited.
Kaylee actually caught the first fish of the night it was tiny so we had to send it back but the smile says it all
Duane helping the girls take the fish off the hook, great learning experience
Posted by Angie at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: summer 2011