This month has been a giant roller coaster of emotions. I was diagnosed with Essential Tremors or at least they think that is what it is. My hands shake when I am stressed, sick, sleep deprived or basically some all the time it will eventually move to my head and get worse there is no cure and the meds they could give me would only create several other issues, so it is what it is....frustrating to say the least but not life threatening unless you count the fact that some mornings drinking my morning coffee is an issue.
Then we bought two vehicles this month one for me because the blazer had finally met the maximum number
of miles and starting falling apart and one for Allissa, freedom with a first car.
This ford escape above is my new ride pretty sweet and nicer then anything I have ever owned. |
The one above is Allissa's after a very scary run in with a hill, we are just grateful that she is alive and unharmed. She was wearing her seat belt and it saved her life. She swerved on a dirt road lost control and rolled the car, one of the worst phone calls a parent can ever hear. |
Then I also ended my coaching of the Jr. High cheer squad, kind of bitter sweet ready to move to the next phase in my life but a little sad to let go of this age group. The picture above is what happens when they love you. The covered us in silly string following competition. The girls ended my Jr. High coaching career on a very high note and I could not have been prouder. I got the privilege of coaching both of my girls through Jr. High something I wouldn't have traded for the world it allowed me to really know their friends and spend amazing time with them. I will continue to coach High school, so the adventure continues. |