If you didn't read the books....shut up, shut up, shut up. I am so sick of so called Christians on the soap box telling people why they are bad books, why they should be banned. First your are entitled to your opinion....but like anything else it is MY throat and you wan't cram your opinion down it.
Yes the books have sex scenes in them.....gasp! Yes the books deal with S&M sex....gasp! Guess what both those things are real, they happen and you shaming the books makes people feel like they are weird or wrong. Now to be real honest I read the books and had to look up a lot of what was in the books cause I didn't know.....now here is the shocker, I go to church, I believe in God and I would like to think that my children are well adjusted members of society. I am NOT damaged because I read the books.....shocked? Me to after seeing how many people believe I should be.
Here is why you standing on your soap box pisses me off. Yes you can ban books like this but ban books like this and it leads to other books being banned. Books that we read in high school like To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Catcher in the Rye.
I know how easy this can happen I worked in a school system that lost a great teacher because he had his kids read Flight by Sherman Alexie. The book is about a kid in foster care and how he uses his imagination to escape some of his foster homes. Some parents made the board pull the book do to a real life scene that they deemed inappropriate. He then chose the book When the Cage bird Sings by Maya Angelou the "parents" appeared again and the book was removed from the classroom....why because it had a rape scene in it. Did I mention this last book was a Pulitzer Prize winning book? Well it was.
Right now your asking why this matters and how I could even connect the 50 Shades of Grey with the other two books? Well after the two books from the school got banned I had a student ask me if they would ban her from school next because you see she was a foster child that had been raped and if we didn't want the books in that school why would we want her? How does one answer that?
People you may not agree with 50 Shades it might make your stomach churn or your Christian sensibilities make you want to "protect" poor helpless women (which if you read the books you would know she saves him and he doesn't feel the need to continue that lifestyle) but be careful what your REALLY saying.......be careful that your not saying.....your broken, your dirty, your not worthy cause ultimately it is NOT your place to judge. That will happen later and NOT by you.
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1 year ago