Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Breast Cancer Awarness

OK, my daughter is more then likely going to "shoot me" for posting this but I couldn't resist. She went to the movies with her girlfriends and they had a display for a movie, being goofy Allissa picked up the gun and pretended to shoot, she didn't realize that the gun was backwards until this picture had been taken......what can I say, don't see her as the military type.
Her girlfriends posted this on face book and used it to promote breast cancer awareness, thought that was a very kewl thing since they are 14 and 15 years of age. Yes the picture is funny but please remember........

Every 2 minutes, there is a new breast cancer diagnosis.
Every 14 minutes, a life is lost to the disease.
Over 40,000 people will die this year; about 400 of them will be men.
85% of all diagnoses have no family history.
1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between ages 40 and 55.