I DID IT AGAIN!! I forgot my anniversary yes people I am horrible. I do love my husband, I love being married I would even marry my husband again today but for some reason I can not remember the date I was married. I remember birthdays, phone numbers, every ones schedules for the week and tons of other things maybe that's the problem. The last two years Duane has also forgotten allowing me to feel less guilt, this year however, he remembered boy did he remember a sapphire necklace and ring remembrance (man i love this guy).
My guilt, I scheduled a girls night OK OK I am not completely evil. A friend of mine lost her mom a not that long ago and I knew she was having a hard time and was completely stressed with some things that are going on with life so I thought a evening out would be good then she called our conversation went like this:
Friend: Are you sure you want to go out Wednesday?
Me: Yes why is it not going to work for you?
Friend: Well it works for me but I don't know that it will work for you?
Me: Why is that?
Friend: Well, it is your anniversary....and you forgot again didn't you?
Me: Yes I did, Yes I did, dang it!! Wonder if Duane will remember doubt it and it is a week night so we are probably still on.
Now before you all think that I am evil and that Duane is "Prince of all that is Good" we had talked after he lost his ring that for our anniversary I wanted to replace his wedding ring with me not working in the summer we knew this would have to wait until this next fall, and we have talked about what he wants and that we would need to have it custom made
Nothing I post in this is going to make me look less flaky or cold hearted and I know it should be a big date to remember but frankly I love my husband every day so picking one day that I should love him more or show him more I think is crazy. I think love is making it though the daily chores, raising three kids together and combining parenting styles, starting a business together, and doing all of this and still wanting to get up the next day and do it with the same person again, this to me is love. I guess our anniversary, to me, is the day for everyone outside of our lives to remember how much we love each other by how many years we have stuck out the daily grind together......so baby I do love you and Happy Anniversary!!
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1 year ago
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