Murphy's law: Let the husband leave and something will go wrong. It is a good thing I am a self-sufficient women or this week would have killed me, guess I should wait to say that it is only Thursday. I have had more sheep issues this week then the entire rest of the season. The vet had to make a house call yesterday because of a leg injury and now I will be spending quality time with the ewe that hurt herself.....don't worry kids if you need me I will be in the barn. I have know idea why you children think that the sheep are replacing you and your quality time with your mother,what gave you that idea?
My kids have been so great this week if there was a super kid award they would all get one, they have helped with chores and kept their stuff picked up in the house, they have even kept the arguments to a you think they know that their mother is about to loose it??
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1 year ago
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