A friend sent a template to me on "Who am I" it went beyond the basics and made you think about where you came from, thought it was great. It will let you know a little more about me.
I am from farm houses, hard work,
and make your own fun,
from Dad’s hot chocolate, mom’s meatloaf,
and Saturday morning cartoons.
I am from the very supportive, my house my rules,
always the place to find peace.
I am from bind weeds, sunflowers and good old dirt,
the sweetness of the fresh cut grass, the harshness of the wild thistle,
the cool creek on the burning summer afternoon.
I am from family dinners that required dessert,
tossing rolls and having holidays before they even arrive,
and gag gifts that provide years of humor.
from Trudes
from Hinkles
from Richard and Mary.
I am from the talkers not the hitters, the lovers not the fighters,
and people that will tell me the truth whether
I want to hear it or not.
from nursery rhymes that made me cry
and dog bites that almost made me die.
I am from yes God does exists, Sunday school is a requirement
baptism a choice, from there is belief in
everyone and you can choose yours.
I’m from small town, in your face, I know your parents, grandparents and
everything you think I don’t know,
fried chicken, mashed potatoes and
homemade pie.
From a mother to young to have me,
The man that worked two jobs to provide,
and the brother that never let my imagination hide.
I am from hope chests,
mementos stored in dresser drawers,
pictures hung to show my growth,
and love that cannot be shaken, broke or destroyed.
Including link: https://blogs.loc.gov/
1 year ago
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