Thursday, February 11, 2010

No more Valentine's Day

Ok here is something I bet you didn't know about me I hate Valentines Day, I know hate is a strong word but I really do. I mean it is a Holiday that was started in regards to a Roman Priest that did anything for love and was hanged, really with a start like that does it sound like a great holiday?
I mean I really think that if any holiday should send people into depression it should be Valentines Day. Let me explain I think the holiday takes the one thing that everyone wants and magnifies it...LOVE. If you don't have it then the holiday makes you feel like a looser that can't find that one special person your meant to be with. If you do have a special someone then it is all about what should you get them and if what you got them is appropriate based on where each of you thinks your at in the relationship. Then if your on the receiving end it is what you got from your significant other and what does that mean....way worse then Christmas.
If you think that this just effects teens or adults it doesn't think about all those cute little Valentines cards out there and as a kid the time and effort put into addressing each and everyone of them and making sure that the correct message is sent to the correct person for fear that they take what is on that cute little card with the sucker the wrong way.
If there is one holiday that doesn't make any sense to me and I think it should be taken off the calendar it is Valentines Day.....this is just my opinion