Wow time flys I cannot believe that we are almost to November. I was in a store the other day and there was Christmas stuff out already Ok I am sure I have complained about this before but let me restate that I think they need to at least wait until Halloween before putting out Christmas stuff and I like Christmas.
I finally have an assistant cheer coach hired for the High school cheer program such a relief when going into basketball season. If you don't know I am now the head cheer coach for both the Jr. High and the High school yes I am slightly crazy (but most of you know that already) but I love it. I have gone through 3 people so this one better be the right one, I am really not that hard to work for, really I am not. The first potential managed to make the K-State Cheer squad mad within 10 min of being at a stunt camp, the second was a teacher she got a job and moved (dang her) the third had a driving issue that couldn't be worked out, so see not all me.
Jacob is gearing up for college so proud of him. He took his CDL class the other day it is a two day class for the paper testing part of things, then you have to go take a test and if you pass you go back to the college and do five days of driving and then if you pass the driving portion of the test then and only then do you officially have your CDL. He passed all five sections of the paper test portion it took him three hours and alot of rattled nerves but he did it...way to go!!!
Allissa just finished playing volleyball and is on her first ever FFA trip to Indianapolis Indiana. She took a suitcase that would hold a small child and even if we wanted to we couldn't have fit in one more thing, I have know idea how it will all come home because anybody that has ever gone anywhere knows that no matter how well you pack it never goes back into that suitcase the way it came out.
Kaylee is in her element this time of year basketball season has started and practice is in full swing. She can be found avoiding homework by shooting baskets outside before supper, after supper or whenever she thinks she can fit it in.
Duane can be found following all of us from various activities, I thought he would be missing the ewes by now but I think we have been so busy that it has almost been a blessing in some ways that they are not there. I know he misses parts of it but we have also had some freedom to do other things these last few months. Like we went to a hockey game in Wichita this last weekend it was so much fun I could do hockey games every weekend and be a very happy camper.
Well that is life in a nut shell, stay tuned and we will keep you posted
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1 year ago
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