Well Christmas is just around the corner and I am going to challenge each of you to remember the spirit of the season by doing something nice for someone around you once each day. I know I need improvement on this myself we get to living our lives on high speed most of the time and just taking care of what needs to be done sometimes isn't enough. I watched the cutest kids Christmas cartoon I have seen in a long time, it is called Elf on a Shelf and it encourages kids to be at their best through out the holiday season but I think it should also be a message for adults, so on that note.
1) Pay for someone's coffee in the line behind you
2) Tell someone thank you for something they do everyday
3) Leave a note where someone will find it with simple words of encouragement
4) Take a friend out for supper
5) Offer to babysit for free for someone who needs a date night
6) Drop food off at the food bank
7) Bring a plate of cookies to someone who can't get out
8) Visit someone in the nursing home that doesn't have family
9) Adopt a family for Christmas that might need a little help
10) Smile, sometimes that is all someone might need for the day
OK I have given you ten ideas now go create your own list or add to mine but please take this as a challenge to find the reason for the season
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Reason for the Season
Posted by Angie at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: find the love
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
How will I fill in my dash?
Today I was reminded that I need to be thankful for everything I have. I found out that someone that I know lost their husband, father and friend. I woke up this morning wondering why God would put so much on my plate? Why the cost of groceries, gas and clothes seem to be taking a toll on my budget? Why when I take my car in for something simple it comes out costing a fortune? Why a routine dental visit means I need to see a specialist? I forgot to be thankful so this is my reminder to you take a minute not to ask for anything but to be thankful for everything you have and ask yourself "How will your Dash be remembered?"
The Dash
I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning to the end.
He noted that first came the date of her birth
And spoke of the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth
And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own,
The cars, the house, the cash,
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard;
Are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left
That can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
To consider what’s true and real
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we’ve never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect
And more often wear a smile,
Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy is being read
With your life’s actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash?
© 1996 Linda Ellis
Posted by Angie at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: remember
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Rock and Roll Mini-Cheer Camp

Posted by Angie at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: hs cheer camp
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Crazy thing I call Life
Well football season is in full swing. The RCHS did a lip dub for homecoming I hope the finished project will be posted soon I think I am as excited to see the whole thing as the kids. Riley is one of three schools in the state of Kansas to do a lip dub and we are the only school to use the whole school including faculty. If you don't know what a lip dub is check it out on youtube.com, they are a ton of fun. The high school cheer squad so far has survived Fall Preview and Homecoming now we are preparing for mini-cheer camp. We have 68 little girls enrolled for our 3 day camp.....Yes I said 68, bring on the Prozac!!!
The Junior High cheer squad is getting ready for competition, not sure where we are going this year but I do know when we can focus at practice and have time for stunting having 18 girls has allowed us to put together some pretty kewl stunts, can't wait to see what they will do in front of a panel of judges.
The girls did show at the Kansas State Fair this year, we haven't shown their for years. They both did a really great job and we had a wonderful weekend. We did a lot of people watching and sat in on the draft horse show, something I had never seen before. The people beside us at the show maybe wished they had sat somewhere else cause I kept asking questions but they where very nice about answering I just hope I didn't sound as naive as some of the questions I fielded in the sheep barn.
Then if we didn't have enough of the state fair Allissa and I returned the next Monday so the High school cheerleaders could march with the band and then I took Allissa and Kaylee back on the last Sunday to see Big Time Rush in concert it was fun to see all the girls gaga over a boy band (took me back to New Kids on the Block concerts but shhhhh don't tell anyone)
I have to give credit to Duane this time of year is crazy and I am only home one night a week so mainly it is him that keeps the family fed, the dishes and laundry done, couldn't do it without him. Just hope he knows how much he is appreciated.
Well the week is almost over but the work/fun is just getting started this weekend we head to Wichita to the KJLS each girl has three head of sheep, no goats this year so tomorrow will be kinda relaxed for us, then home Sunday for Duane to golf and maybe help announce softball at Leonardville. I will keep you posted on our crazy life until then stay safe :)
Posted by Angie at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: fast lane
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Short update
Well we have made it through the first week of school and I think it is going to be a great year. I love my schedule and I think we might have found a co-worker that we can fit into our classroom (will keep you posted on this) my schedule is amazing I spend almost all day soaking up science information perfect for me, for the first time in about 3 years I am looking forward to work on Monday.
The fall preview was last night I was really impressed with both of my cheer squads. We have some work to do with the Jr. High but fall preview always gives me a different view outside the gym and it allows the girls to work out their nerves of being in front of a crowd. The high school looked amazing and even had a stunt sequence they put together, we still have more work to do but they are a great group with lots of motivation.
The cheerleaders hosted the Welcome back dance last night, it was packed and from the post of Facebook the kids had a good time. Now we start gearing up for homecoming at least we are not in charge of that weeks activities so I can sit back and enjoy it.
I will try and keep you posted on how things are going :)
Posted by Angie at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: August
Monday, August 1, 2011
My life is blessed
We have had a really good summer. I decided I wasn't working this summer I was going to enjoy my time with my girls, really the last summer they will both be home. Allissa will be a Jr. this next year and have to get a job to start saving for college. I can honestly say I have tried to make this summer about whatever we wanted to do swim, watch movies, stay up late then sleep even later. The house doesn't look like we are expecting guest but I really don't care, our schedule has been whatever we want it to be.........love this!!! So what have we done this summer well we spent a LOT of time at the pool, I don't think I have been this tan since I was 12 and we...We had the Clay County Style review and the fair. My niece Alex came and stayed with us for a week. I love having her seeing the farm through her eyes is always an experience, she lives in a big town so her take on what we do is so fun.
Went on a walks by Manhattan and explored path's we have never been on.
We did the spring show thing and showed several weekends in a row, great family time.
We showed goats and sheep, laughed a lot, cried a little and learned every time we left the house
Jasper helped us weed the flower bed, keeping flowers alive in the heat is a challenge, need work on this
We attended Cheer camp for the Jr. High cheerleaders, I have a total of 18 this year (short a couple in this picture) it should make for a interesting year, looking forward to it.
Kaylee played summer league basketball, she loves this sport and keeps improving each year it is fun to watch her
The High school cheer squad also attended camps this summer, there are only 8 this year (short one in this pic) but they are amazing they received the Herkie award at NCA camp for the squad that worked together the best. This is going to be a fun year with them.
We went fishing Allissa caught a good sized fish and was so excited.
Kaylee actually caught the first fish of the night it was tiny so we had to send it back but the smile says it all
Duane helping the girls take the fish off the hook, great learning experience
Posted by Angie at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: summer 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Grace in small things
1) A week with my niece
2) A summer spent with my kids
3) My husband (he truly gets me)
4) books--getting lost in a good story nothing better
5) My mom
Posted by Angie at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: 5 things i am grateful for 6
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I thought about this for some time before I started writing. Do I want to share this part of my life, should I share this part of my life? Then I realized I need to share this part if nothing else then to put it down in black and white and release it from my soul. The last couple months have been hard on me as a parent they have broken parts of my heart that I didn't know existed. I am standing on the sidelines of my sons life and watching him spiral out of control. I have tried to help, I have tried to rescue but I think there comes a time when you have to ask yourself if helping is the right thing to do?
I have had to examine myself lately, not always something one wants to do. I have realized that no I didn't have an instruction manual for my children but I am not a bad parent. I was always there and loved unconditionally I think deep down that is all that matters.
When do our children's choices stop being a reflection of who we are as parents? I guess this is what I struggle with. When we see a toddler or a teenager throwing a fit in a store most people think "Wow those parents need to get a grip" they never think "Wow that child needs to fix themselves" Does this change when they reach a certain age, when are they the masters of their issues? I mean the law sees them as adults at the magic age of 18 so should we see them that way even if their actions don't reflect things adults would do?
In the last two months I have watched my son spirally slowly down knowing that when it finally hits, not today, not tomorrow maybe not even months from now, it will be hard it will hurt and no band-aid in the world will fix some of the choices that have been made. I know he thinks we are wrong/controlling but it is like playing tug-o-war and knowing that if you let go of that rope the person pulling against you is going to fall and get hurt, all I want to do is protect him but..............................I am letting go.
Posted by Angie at 9:28 AM 1 comments
Labels: pulling at my heart
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
You should listen when I talk
OK I am willing to try anything to get people to do the right thing......call it the educator in me, I don't know.
I have a huge pet peeve with not being able to change the toilet paper roll I mean you sit there and look at it, you use it, you know the next person in that position is going to need it, WHY can you not change the roll when it is empty?? I hate this so much that not only is there a roll on the wall but there is a standing roll holder so there should be two rolls at all times or at least one....now does this sound complicated? I didn't think so but my family seems to think it is.
I have tried yelling, I have tried begging, I have tried reminding, I have even done demonstrations.
Then I tried toilet paper origami I would post a picture but really it wasn't that good, my thought was if I did something fun with each new roll people would be excited to put on the next roll and see what would happen, instead they just told me that my T.P. art sucked well you should have told me it was beautiful even if it wasn't cause this is what I did next...........
I was about to use the bathroom and realized that the standing roll was empty and the wall roll had enough for maybe two people. I went and got a marker and after I had used my share off the roll I then unrolled what was left and wrote a note....this is what it said
"You are SOL if you need more paper then this. (and they would I didn't leave enough for anyone) Bet you are wishing right now that you had put a new roll on the other holder??? Did you learn anything?" I then rolled what little paper was available back on the roll and said nothing to no one
I then took the Kleenex and extra toilet paper out of the bathroom. It did not take to long before I heard screams of desperation and laughter from the bathroom.
I don't know if this worked or not but at least everyone will think about it when they get to the end of the roll
Posted by Angie at 11:19 AM 1 comments
Labels: toilet paper
Friday, May 20, 2011
Tears of Joy
I cried today.....
just like the day I cried when you where born
I cried today
just like your first day of school
I cried today
just like the day you graduated
I cried today
when you drove away
They are all tears of joy milestones that mark your growing-up, so hard to give them roots and wings and so proud of what they are becoming
Posted by Angie at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Jacob left today colorado
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
You might be a redneck if???
OK I don't usually re-post something that someone else wrote but this is so funny I had to share partly because I know people that I could see trying this:
Two rednecks, Bubba and Earl, were driving down the road drinking a couple of bottles of Bud. The passenger, Bubba said "lookey thar up ahead, Earl it's a pollice roadblock!!! We're gonna get busted fer drinkin these here beers!!"
"Don't worry Bubba", Earl said. "We'll just pull over and finish drinkin' these beers, peel off the label and stick it on our foreheads and throw the bottles under the seat".
"What?" asked Bubba
"Just let me do the talkin',OK" said Earl
Well they finished their beers, threw the empty bottles under the seat and each put a label on their forehead. When they reached the roadblock the sheriff said "You boys been drinking?"
"No Sir" said Earl "We're on the patch"
OK right now your thinking one of to things. You are either thinking OMG I know people like that or dang that is a good idea I'll have to try that..... if it is the second one then you might be who I was thinking of when I read this joke.
Posted by Angie at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 8, 2011
Growing Pains
I think the toughest thing about being a parent sometimes is learning when not to be one or in other words letting go so they can grow. I really wish that our kids came with manuals so that when they did something you knew exactly what to do to fix it or how to correct it. The last couple weeks have been trying as a parent to say the least. Our oldest is an adult still living at home, yes in this day and age with the cost of everything this makes sense. He gets his college degree and saves money while living at home. They forget to tell you how hard this will be. Someone forgot to include in my imaginary "How to Raise my Child" manual what you do with an adult child living at home. Do your old rules still apply? Do you make new rules? Then if you make new rules do they get a say in the rules?
You see his friends all moved out to apartments, houses or dorms. They get to drag themselves in at 3 a.m. or not come home at all without their parents having heart attacks, mainly because their parents don't know...unfortunately when you still live at home you don't get this privilege. We are struggling to give our child wings without giving ourselves ulcers. The conclusion that we have come to is that above anything you must respect each other if respect starts to slip then it is not two adults discussing what will be going on Friday night but parent/child discussing what will happen.
We have come to find that at this point if respect is present then the rules are created by both parties as we go, not having a manual kind of makes this the way it has to be. I would really have to say that to be the oldest child really sucks when your the pioneer for what is right and wrong.
Then their is the middle child she is struggling to figure out who she is and how to get the attention that she wants on her terms. She is growing and wanting more freedom but still wants to be the little kid at times, this is hard for parents at which time do I hug you and at which time does your moody outburst mean you need left alone...so confusing.
The youngest sits and watches she sees the other two make mistakes get in trouble and is wise enough to file that away as not to make the same mistake they made. This makes her more dangerous then the other two in the fact that she now has ammunition in store like what to say or what to do to get out of certain situations.
I just wish that they understood that every time they leave the house it is like having my heart walk around outside my body without being able to make sure it is safe at all times. So I ask that God give me strength to survive their growing years, allow me the ability to find humor in whatever happens and the ability to remember that being a good parent doesn't always make me the popular parent.
Posted by Angie at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: kids
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Life has a way of getting away from me I can't believe that it is almost the middle of March. Allissa turns "16" the 18th of March, it is so hard to think of her being gone to college in just a couple of years. I would love to tell you that amazing things have been happening in our house but honestly we have just been trying to survive illness, Kaylee has had it the worst and just can't seem to shake it. I think we have seen the people at the doctors office more this winter then we have in three years. Then this is the first year that my dogs have had the flu also nothing better then kids throwing up and dogs with diarrhea, worst experience ever!!!
I am looking forward to Spring Break I am getting together with some of my girlfriends from high school we invited about 15-20 people and I think we are at about 10 for those coming it should be a great time. We all have incredibly busy lives and we have all had our bumps in the road over the last year so we thought it would be good to get together for a little girl time, decompress and just spend time laughing and reminiscing. I know I have things to share as my kids get older they do so many things that we did when we where there age. I know they have to make their own mistakes but I have sent my mother multiple e-mails telling her how sorry I was for giving her gray hair.
It is time to shop for livestock super excited to go find the next great one! It also gives Duane and I time on our own for some of the trips, I love spending time with my kids but I am a true believer that every marriage needs some date time ours just happens to not be over candlelight but with one of us saying what do you think of the but on that one. Yes I am sure someone out their thinks we need counseling :)
Posted by Angie at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: March
Friday, February 25, 2011
February can we skip it next year
Well to say February was dull would be far from the truth, we survived that is what I will say....Yay us. We have had 3 rounds of strep throat, Influenza B, and my dad had double bi-pass heart surgery and this would be one year without my grandma. My mom wants to skip February next year wonder if that is possible?
I had to face some things this month with my dad having heart surgery mainly that my parents are human. It was kinda scary to realize that people that you thought would always be there could be snapped away in an instant. Yes I am old enough to know that we all came with an expiration date stamped on us but it is another thing to think about that fact or to have it pushed in your face. I also realized that as much as I empathize with my husband or my mom over the loss of their parents, I don't have a clue what it is like to not be able to pick up the phone and call them or ask stupid questions just to reassure yourself that your right and that they will be in your court. My dad is fine and hopefully I won't have to hang my toes off that bridge anytime soon a little scare was enough for now.
Posted by Angie at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: update 2
Friday, January 14, 2011
This has got to have been the longest three day week ever, we had two snow days and I did nothing, well I did do a couple loads of laundry but lets just say I didn't throw myself out there and wow the world or even my family for that matter. I think that is why it has felt like I have run a marathon the last couple days.
I think I finally figured my stuff out for my classes this semester with FHSU, still not recommending them to anyone and may not even let my daughters take a college campus visit that is how frustrated I am with them, they may have increased their ability to reach more people but they did not increase their staff numbers. This means that it takes twice as long to get someone to answer questions and you get shuffled to other departments when they don't know the answer only to get sent back there again.
I am trying to save some money but it seems like every time I pull some out of checking to put it in savings I am calling to tell them to put it back, Oh well someday I will become a grown-up and learn to manage money...it is getting slightly better.
I agreed to write curriculum for the zoo this summer I don't know what I was thinking, now that isn't entirely true I was thinking make money ahead of summer then convince the hubby I don't have to have a real job this summer guess we will see how that goes. It will only work if I can stay out of savings not that I mind working during the summer and I have had some really interesting jobs but I want to spend time with my kids before they are all working or gone and it is to late, Jacob being in college and having worked the last two summers has made me realize how fast time flies and how soon none of them will be around excited to see them grow but man will I miss hanging out with no real place to be.
Ok I told you there is not a lot of exciting info right now so this is the latest update, have a great weekend and I will see you soon
Posted by Angie at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: back
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Starting to Post again
Ok I have really done a horrible job blogging, my husband has told me, my mother and my kids, so I will try to do a better job. I really have had a hard time blogging because I just don't think anything is exciting lately, but hopefully you all will find my mundane life important enough to read about. We survived Christmas, I say survived but actually it was one of the best, I made my mom this scrap book not only did I have a wonderful time making it, she loved it. It made me feel really good because it was personal and not something that she could buy anywhere. My parents bought us a new grill it is so amazing, the old one is 15 years old and is starting to fall apart, we grill about three times a week, Duane is getting very creative lately even had some fish a few weeks ago from the grill it was so yummy.
The girls are in the middle of cheering for basketball and I am coaching both squads which means we are gone every night of the week, I get to spend plenty of time with the girls which is great but I am so not 20 anymore and I am so tired by the time Friday rolls around. Jacob starts school next Tuesday, he is so excited it is great to see him so fired up about going back to school, I am so proud of him.
Duane and I hadn't really missed the sheep until we started talking to the people we sold the ewes to and they are having babies, this is the part that I really loved so might have to go visit just to get my fix although choring in 6 inches of snow and chopping ice the last two mornings has reminded me of the parts I don't miss at all.
So my goal is to post a little more regular so for those of you that read this check back you never know
Posted by Angie at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: back in the swing