Ok i don't know if these are the pictures that I should publish because, it still looks like the cat is half dead or dying....he isn't he is just fine....Allissa took the pictures, Spook was laying around in her room on a squishy pillow that he has taken over and adopted as his own....since my last post on the cat he has managed to get himself stuck in the pop holder that we have (it holds two litter bottles of pop) he fit his head through and then couldn't the rest of himself through without knocking the pop holder over on himself....Duane held the pop holder and he slide himself out...he then managed to knock all the wine bottles (4 of them) off the top of the fridge....no they didn't break but I have know idea why!! This cat is going to make me crazy!!!!
Including link: https://blogs.loc.gov/
1 year ago
Poor kitty!
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