Friday, March 28, 2008

Close Call

Help I could have been arrested!! This is how rumors get started, I have a friend that is into horticulture and I said that I am stressed to the max so she says oh I got the plant for you.

Rumor 1: Teachers are into drugs and one teacher is selling it

So she brings me a cutting of a lavender plant (picture on the right) it smells really good and it is calming when you sniff..oops..smell it. So I decide to put it in my desk and see if it still smells the next day.

Having a stressful moment the next day so I pull out my lavender and am **sniffing** it when a student says Mrs. T what are you doing I say oh nothing sniffing my weed it helps me relax...

Rumor 2: Mrs. T is sniffing weed in class this gets back to the cop in rumor form of course.....Thank goodness am friends with the cop or I might have been calling for pizza delivery

Moral of the story: Sniff your weeds at home