This week was a chocolate week and I don't mean just one slice of that cake above I mean the whole damn know that you are having a bad week when the best day from Monday to Friday was Monday.
Yes people I am about to vent the beauty of blogging and people being able to read my blogs is this--- if you only want the happy, fluffy foo-foo moments then wait to read until next week because I don't think this blog will be what you are hoping for but if you are faithful readers that pull up my blog to see how our lives are really going then continue to might even make your week look better.
Monday was a beautiful day, no i don't mean the weather, I do mean that it came and went without a crisis or a hitch.
Then comes Tuesday it rained it was nasty I got told how to run my cheer program from a lady that thinks it is her destiny in life to make mine miserable...she might succeed (I didn't kill her..bonus points) & had a terrible day at work and with my job if I have a bad day it usually involves guilt of thinking that I could have done something different (I couldn't have so I should get over it) my co-workers supported my actions but it doesn't make it feel any different.
Wednesday get up to go to work, day is off to a great start no disagreements with the hubby, the kids managed to not fight and we are out the door on time...Yes week is looking up.....Ha that was a short lived thought. Why? Because it is 7:30 I am sitting in my driveway and the blazer refuses to start. Hubby has to come back home and get me and the kids to go to school, get to school and find out information that I won't go into on here that just tops off the day.
This week can not get any worse right?'s not over Thursday is coming. Wednesday night parents are sooooo great bring me an extra vehicle to drive and dad decides it is fuel pump going out on the blazer (Oh great a very expensive part!!) I love my parents they are great to us...thank you!
Now where was I? Oh yes Thursday got out the door on time and all four of us pack into a single seat truck with enough equipment to support a homeless person for at least one month, drive to Riley drop off Jake at his dad's (lucky dog doesn't have to be at school until 11-state testing) now to drop the girls off at school. This is where Thursday goes bad I get stopped by a cop going 30 in a 20 and in the school this point you just have to laugh! I tell the cop I am sorry but if I was speeding then I guess i deserve a ticket it could not possible make this week any worse....I got a warning!! (This maybe one of the few positives this week and to top it off I forgot to put my seat belt back on after I dropped Jake off) the rest of the day was pretty uneventful until 2 had Jake call the golf coach to see if they where going to have practice now remember it rained all day and they still hadn't called it. Coach says yep practice is still on so I drive 14 miles home to pick up golf clubs (there was NO room to take them that morning) then I drive 14 miles back to find out that in the time I have been gone he changed his mind and canceled practice.....UGH!!! I also managed to break my favorite sunglasses and everything at home was standing in water that I spent the evening sludging out or re-bedding.
Friday is far very good it scares me to even talk about it for fear that I will jinx it. I write this not to bring you down but to give me a place that when I think I am having a really bad day I can look back on this and remember the week from down under then maybe that moment will look like a moment that just deserves a slice of cake and not the whole thing.
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1 year ago
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