This is a random blog we have spent the weekend working on the sheep business., going to the show at Alma to see how the sheep we sold did and delivering sheep to buyers to get them off our feed bill. We also spent the week following are kids to different activities.This is Allissa doing the high jump at the Riley Relays not bad form. I was impressed I could never get my butt off the ground to make the high jump work right.
We spent Saturday evening at the Grade School they have their annual carnival. They set up games in all the hallways and it cost so much for the tickets that allow the kids to play the games. The money is used to support different activities throughout the year....the kids have a blast and now that my kids are older Duane and I look like those looser parents because we sit on the benches and hang out instead of volunteering to run a game. (the girls would rather be with their friends then mom and dad) I figure I put in enough hours of volunteer time with cheer leading!! This is Kaylee and two of her best friends.
Allissa and some of her friends posed for a pic. not hard at this age to convince them to do so..the school also has a dance for 7Th and 8Th graders after the carnival so the girls where all dressed up and looking very cute.
Jacob had the opprotunity to go to Kansas City to the speedway and watch races this is a picture that he text me, think he was trying to rub in the fact that he was some place way kewl and we where stuck at home....he succeeded...would have loved to have been at the races. Thought he did a great job catching a car on his phone with how fast they go.
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1 year ago
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