This is a flattened coin.....stamped money that was once a penny. Perfectly good money that has been run through a machine and stamped with a picture to remind you of places you have been. Frankly if you need a smashed coin to remind you where you were was it really that great? You know you are going to wind up with this in that magic drawer. The one that we in our house call the junk drawer, the place where all the stuff goes that you are to sentimental about to just throw out or insistent that you might need it later. Did you know that these little souvenirs actually have a name? According to Wikipeda they are called Elongated coins, "coins that have been flattened, stretched and imprinted with a new design with the purpose of creating a commemorative or souvenir token." Why am I blogging about this? Well I took my class kids to the zoo in Omaha (pictures to come) and they came home with tons of these little things as my co-workers and I sat at McDonald's (pit stop on the way home) we where talking that we need to find some little doo-dad that we could charge people for because off my kids alone those machines made a ton of money. They put in a penny and fifty cents and get back their penny that is no longer spendable and has been smashed and imprinted with some silly picture. What the heck it was a penny when it went in now it is basically nothing, I can't spend it but I just gave you fifty cents to smash up my money............I am so jealous of the guy that figured this out.
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1 year ago
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