HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I love Halloween, we will go out with our youngest tonight to collect all that teeth rotting candy. I will post pictures after the weekend. Have fun everyone!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Do all things happen for a reason?
OK I am a big one for believing that things happen for a reason but sometimes the things that happen creep me out.
I lost my sapphire necklace that the hubby gave me but didn't want to admit to him yet that I had lost it, so hadn't said anything. Then the other day I was vacuuming the floor furnace and there is a little piece in the floor furnace that if your not careful will and can be sucked up by the vacuum cleaner, maybe a good thing. Why do I say a good thing because the hubby took the bag outside to dig through it to find the little piece that sucked up and what did he find? Yeppers my sapphire necklace, I was so relieved that I just took the whole negative comments about loosing it in the first place in stride, they didn't even bother me, because I got my necklace back and got rid of the terrible ache in my stomach from worrying about where it was. (also suggested for x-mas a new jewelry box)
It does still freak me out a little because if I hadn't sucked up that plastic piece I would have just thrown the vacuum bag out.....so accident that I sucked up the plastic piece, greater power or weird coincidence?
Posted by Angie at 3:06 PM 4 comments
Labels: lost and found
Monday, October 27, 2008
Field Trips....Love them!!
I took my two science classes to Hutchinson to the Cosmo sphere last week it was a blast I hadn't been there in forever. We went through Doctor Goddard's Lab and he talked about combustion and then blew up this Giant Cotton ball the walls in the room shook...it was great!!

Posted by Angie at 9:14 AM 1 comments
Labels: Hutch..field trip
Friday, October 24, 2008
My Birthday
I love my co-workers I got to work this morning and they had plastered the room with papers that said Happy Birthday Mrs. T. and I don't mean just a few there was maybe 8-9 on each wall.
Posted by Angie at 1:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: October 24th
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ok not sure this will interest any of you but I happen to really like PEZ candies and so I thought this was very neat.
You must be living in a box if you are not familiar with this candy and its flip-top head dispensers.
Over 1 billion of these little bundles of compressed sugar are sold each year. So where did this novel approach to selling candy come from? To find out, we must take a trip back to Vienna, Austria in 1927.
Here we will find a candyman named Eduard Haas III. Eddie did not try to sell his candy to kids, however. His market was adults - adults that smoked cigarettes.
PEZ was originally marketed as a compressed breath mint for smokers (or to cover up smoker's breath). I know what you are thinking - How did those fruit flavored pellets cover your bad breath?
The answer is quite simple - they weren't fruit flavored back then!
In fact, they were peppermint flavored, which explains the origin of its unusual name. The German word for peppermint is PfeffErminZ. Take the first, middle, and last letters of the word and you get PEZ!
Which leads to the available flavors.
In the United States, only Grape, Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, and Peppermint (I am a large consumer of PEZ and don't recall ever having peppermint) flavors are available. Hop across the border to Canada and you can add Cherry to your stash.
Raspberry and Apple are available in Spain. Chocolate is available in Hungary and Thailand.
An unusual type known as IZO PEZ is also available - it is vitamin enriched (does a vitamin enriched candy make sense to you?).
The most unusual flavors, however, have to be the discontinued ones: Chlorophyll, Cinnamon, Coffee, Eucalyptus, Flower (just what do flowers taste like?), Licorice, and Menthol.
What were the marketing guys thinking of when they came up with some of these flavors?
Useless? Useful? I’ll leave that for you to decide.
Posted by Angie at 10:57 AM 3 comments
Labels: My favorite candy
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Reminded to be amazed
I wish we could all live in a world that brings utter fascination and amazement to us everyday. I love my job now but I miss some aspects of staying home and having a daycare. The part I miss I was reminded of on Sunday. My grandparents have their annual going away dinner it combines Halloween/Thanksgiving/X-mas and birthdays in the surrounding months, so there is a lot of people in one house.
My cousins all have much younger children then mine and they had been out collecting caterpillars which of coarse grandma had provided butter tubs to each child to keep them in.
Jackson is three and had managed to capture three caterpillars. They live in Wichita and his dad was trying to convince him to let the caterpillars go before they went home the conversation went like this:
Chris (father): Jackson we need to let them go they can't go home with us.
Jackson: No we don't they can go home with me.
Chris: Jackson do you know what caterpillars turn into?
Jackson: They won't spill
Chris: OK but do you know what they turn into?
Jackson: Nooooo?
Chris: They turn into butterflies
Jackson: Butterflies? NO WAY DUDE, YOUR KIDDING ME?
Chris: Nope not kidding, butterflies
Jackson then preceded to check with mom to make sure dad wasn't kidding and then take the tub around to everyone and tell them that the caterpillars would turn into butterflies.
I wish that something would amaze me like that everyday, pure utter amazement with how life works and what will happen and most of all I wish it was an amazement that left me smiling.
Posted by Angie at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: caterpillars
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Think about our future
Last night I was thinking that I would cast my vote for whatever party would pass a bill making a common sense test mandatory for parenting but after reading this maybe it needs to be the party that also makes it necessary to actually spend time with your children and monitor what they are watching on T.V. This is what I read:
- Children spend 1,023 hours a year watching T.V. compared to 900 hours in school
- On average 38.5 minutes per week of meaningful conversation happens between a parent and his or her child.
Posted by Angie at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: t.v. OD
I am not going to die.....at least not soon....or by natural causes. I got the results back on the biopsy and they say that my tongue has a callous kinda like your fingers get when you have been doing physical work they think it is because I get acid reflex sometimes, I mean really all this drama because I can't get along with green peppers and onions
Posted by Angie at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Test ok
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I found a new sight that I love it has lots of little information on it, its called www.everymondaymatters.com check it out, its all about a better us.
I learned that people need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 for maintenace and 12 for growth. This explains so much on the days that I get at least on hug from each of my kids and one from my husband then I feel great.....imagine what would happen if they all hugged me a minumum of 3 times each day I might become a adult
Posted by Angie at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Great sight
Monday, October 6, 2008
More Drama!!
OK if you also have Facebook then you know that my life has been a little crazy lately. I went to the dentist a year ago for my annual teeth cleaning and they didn't like the look of my tongue but thought they would just wait and look at it next time.......so year later next cleaning, they really don't like the look of my tongue so they send me to a specialist in Manhattan, to look at my tongue.
They didn't just look at my tongue they put a BIG needle in my tongue and cut off a piece for a biopsy the piece itself was little maybe _____ that long and not much wider. It might as well have been the Grand Canyon it felt like they had cut half my tongue off. Head back to the school to let co-workers know that I am going home....or thought I was. I get back to the school and realize that the stitches they just put in have come out and I will now have to go back to Manhattan for new stitches and another BIG needle. They finally get me stitched up with stitches they will have to remove on Tuesday the 7th and send my home with some really goooood drugs. I find out the results tomorrow, they thought one of two possible infections because of Acid Reflux or Cancer but the last one was very far down the list. I will keep you posted on the results but I have learned one thing from this experience and that is I WILL NEVER PIERCE MY TONGUE!!!
Posted by Angie at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: My tongue a very needed part