OK I am a big one for believing that things happen for a reason but sometimes the things that happen creep me out.
I lost my sapphire necklace that the hubby gave me but didn't want to admit to him yet that I had lost it, so hadn't said anything. Then the other day I was vacuuming the floor furnace and there is a little piece in the floor furnace that if your not careful will and can be sucked up by the vacuum cleaner, maybe a good thing. Why do I say a good thing because the hubby took the bag outside to dig through it to find the little piece that sucked up and what did he find? Yeppers my sapphire necklace, I was so relieved that I just took the whole negative comments about loosing it in the first place in stride, they didn't even bother me, because I got my necklace back and got rid of the terrible ache in my stomach from worrying about where it was. (also suggested for x-mas a new jewelry box)
It does still freak me out a little because if I hadn't sucked up that plastic piece I would have just thrown the vacuum bag out.....so accident that I sucked up the plastic piece, greater power or weird coincidence?
Including link: https://blogs.loc.gov/
1 year ago
I believe things happen for a reason... We just are not allowed to always know the reason..
AND....why can't we know the reason...that's the question! Seriously...things like that happen to me too. I've almost scratched my head bald from trying to figure it all out. I'm REALLY happy that you got your necklace back..
I've lost so many jewlry pieces that my Lovee has given me...it makes my eyes leak just thinking about it.SFD!!!
I love your thought processes....mighty squishy up there huh?!~
Wow! See, to me? That's not creepy it's [insert great applicable word - I can't find my thesaurus at the moment].
So glad you found it! Neee-neee-Neee-neeee!
Happy Sunday!
I'm so glad you found it...and yes, things always happen for a reason.
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