I wish we could all live in a world that brings utter fascination and amazement to us everyday. I love my job now but I miss some aspects of staying home and having a daycare. The part I miss I was reminded of on Sunday. My grandparents have their annual going away dinner it combines Halloween/Thanksgiving/X-mas and birthdays in the surrounding months, so there is a lot of people in one house.
My cousins all have much younger children then mine and they had been out collecting caterpillars which of coarse grandma had provided butter tubs to each child to keep them in.
Jackson is three and had managed to capture three caterpillars. They live in Wichita and his dad was trying to convince him to let the caterpillars go before they went home the conversation went like this:
Chris (father): Jackson we need to let them go they can't go home with us.
Jackson: No we don't they can go home with me.
Chris: Jackson do you know what caterpillars turn into?
Jackson: They won't spill
Chris: OK but do you know what they turn into?
Jackson: Nooooo?
Chris: They turn into butterflies
Jackson: Butterflies? NO WAY DUDE, YOUR KIDDING ME?
Chris: Nope not kidding, butterflies
Jackson then preceded to check with mom to make sure dad wasn't kidding and then take the tub around to everyone and tell them that the caterpillars would turn into butterflies.
I wish that something would amaze me like that everyday, pure utter amazement with how life works and what will happen and most of all I wish it was an amazement that left me smiling.
Including link: https://blogs.loc.gov/
1 year ago
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