Fight the demons
Loose the war
Fight the demons
Settle the score
Fight the demons
Find inner peace
Let all the fighting cease
Fight the demons
Wear the scares
Fight the demons
Rip out my heart
Fight the demons
And declare peace
Let all the fighting cease
Fight the demons
Gain control
Fight the demons
Let it go
Fight the demons
Find inner peace
Let all the fighting cease
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My Inner Demons
Posted by Angie at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Lessons in life suck
Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday's Funny Thoughts
Friday's Funny Thoughts:
- If a cow laughed real hard would milk come out her nose?
- Why is there an expiration date on SOUR cream?
- Does a fish get cramps after eating?
- Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?
- Why are there flotation devices under the seat of airplanes instead of parachutes?
- How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?
- If you can't drink and drive, why do you need a driver's licence to buy liquor and why do bars have parking lots?
- Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?
- Why are cigarettes sold in places that prohibit smoking?
- If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
Posted by Angie at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: What do you think?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Rain Song
Spirits falling in puddles of grief,
disappointment drowning hope,
tissues soaked in sadness, umbrellas
raised in futile defense, ears closed to
the rain song. Eyes swollen, moist and red,
fingers gripping an offered hand, feet unable
to move, flowers surround, unseen by one who is
unaware of the rain song. Music, soft, sweet, and low,
prayers mumbled respectfully, love shared with family and
friends. Memories linger, vibrant and warm as hearts beat in
time with the rain song. Emptiness, loneliness yet to come, fears for tomorrow, tears for today, self-pity and doubt, anger and pain haunting and howling about in the wind unable to hide from the rain song.
Ruth Nott sums up my feelings for today.......May you rest in peace Kolten Range
Posted by Angie at 12:47 PM 1 comments
Labels: We need to heal
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
A few things to be thankful for:
- Today we had a Thanksgiving meal with our school kids. We provide the turkey, ham, potatoes, and a green bean casserole, they provide a side dish. We have 30 kids on our roster they all brought something from vegetables to desserts. Every year that we do this it is amazing to me the amount of food and how much it means to the kids. Every year I am reminded of a quote that says "To the world you may only be one person but to one person you might be the world"
- Remember if bills are pouring in and money is tight that at least you had money to create bills.
- Remember when your kids are doing the "I want game" at least you have given in the past and they feel free to dream of more then food on the table and a warm place to sleep
- Remember that when your car isn't running the way you hope that at least you have a car to be mad at
- Remember when you are cussing the cost of propane at least you have the money to heat your house
Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers and please don't just eat the turkey but count your blessing and remember you to have a plenty to be thankful for!!!
Posted by Angie at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: remember to be thankful
Friday, November 14, 2008
Horse names??
Ok people not sure why you read my mindless dribble either because your bored or because you need a laugh but I am glad you now I need you help!!
We bought two mini horses a month ago and they STILL do not have names. We can't agree on anything so I am involving my blog buddies. This is the baby and she is a blue/gray color very cute!!

Posted by Angie at 12:17 PM 4 comments
Labels: Have a suggestion??
Thursday, November 6, 2008
It is ok to....
- It is OK to have a different opinion, but if you can't disagree without getting mad then keep it to yourself
- It is OK to be a strong women it doesn't make you a bitch
- It is OK to make a mistake they are the way we learn
- It is OK to eat the entire personal container of bunny tracks ice cream, you will not go to hell
- It is OK to take a sick day and then go get a massage, that is health care, take care of the stress
- It is OK to be frustrated with your children, they don't come with instruction manuals
- It is OK to not "love" your job everyday, it is not OK to not "like" your job everyday
- It is OK to say NO (still working on this)
- It is OK to refuse to cook supper, clean house, do dishes (not long term but sometimes)
If you have other things that it is OK to do let me know, I think to often we get frustrated with all the things we "can't" do such as be superwomen, keep the perfect house, be the perfect parent etc...that we forget it is OK to take time for ourselves.
Posted by Angie at 9:21 AM 2 comments
Labels: Be right with yourself and you will be right with the world
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Country girls life
How does a country girl spend a Saturday afternoon? Apparently laying on the hood of a truck soaking up the sun and watching the building loading activities.
We are in the process of moving this shed to our house this is the men in my life trying to figure out how to get the frame that they built on the trailer under the shed. I will update you with pictures of the final placement of the shed.
Posted by Angie at 3:24 PM 1 comments
Labels: moving shed
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween 08
This is my Halloween follow up, we had a blast. The picture below is of my friend and her son being scared by a creepy man that was having way to much fun with Halloween. Then there is my adorable husband and my very cute and nerdy looking daughter
Posted by Angie at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Great night
Friday, October 31, 2008
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I love Halloween, we will go out with our youngest tonight to collect all that teeth rotting candy. I will post pictures after the weekend. Have fun everyone!!
Posted by Angie at 11:35 AM 5 comments
Labels: trick or treat
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Do all things happen for a reason?
OK I am a big one for believing that things happen for a reason but sometimes the things that happen creep me out.
I lost my sapphire necklace that the hubby gave me but didn't want to admit to him yet that I had lost it, so hadn't said anything. Then the other day I was vacuuming the floor furnace and there is a little piece in the floor furnace that if your not careful will and can be sucked up by the vacuum cleaner, maybe a good thing. Why do I say a good thing because the hubby took the bag outside to dig through it to find the little piece that sucked up and what did he find? Yeppers my sapphire necklace, I was so relieved that I just took the whole negative comments about loosing it in the first place in stride, they didn't even bother me, because I got my necklace back and got rid of the terrible ache in my stomach from worrying about where it was. (also suggested for x-mas a new jewelry box)
It does still freak me out a little because if I hadn't sucked up that plastic piece I would have just thrown the vacuum bag accident that I sucked up the plastic piece, greater power or weird coincidence?
Posted by Angie at 3:06 PM 4 comments
Labels: lost and found
Monday, October 27, 2008
Field Trips....Love them!!
I took my two science classes to Hutchinson to the Cosmo sphere last week it was a blast I hadn't been there in forever. We went through Doctor Goddard's Lab and he talked about combustion and then blew up this Giant Cotton ball the walls in the room was great!!

Posted by Angie at 9:14 AM 1 comments
Labels: Hutch..field trip
Friday, October 24, 2008
My Birthday
I love my co-workers I got to work this morning and they had plastered the room with papers that said Happy Birthday Mrs. T. and I don't mean just a few there was maybe 8-9 on each wall.
Posted by Angie at 1:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: October 24th
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ok not sure this will interest any of you but I happen to really like PEZ candies and so I thought this was very neat.
You must be living in a box if you are not familiar with this candy and its flip-top head dispensers.
Over 1 billion of these little bundles of compressed sugar are sold each year. So where did this novel approach to selling candy come from? To find out, we must take a trip back to Vienna, Austria in 1927.
Here we will find a candyman named Eduard Haas III. Eddie did not try to sell his candy to kids, however. His market was adults - adults that smoked cigarettes.
PEZ was originally marketed as a compressed breath mint for smokers (or to cover up smoker's breath). I know what you are thinking - How did those fruit flavored pellets cover your bad breath?
The answer is quite simple - they weren't fruit flavored back then!
In fact, they were peppermint flavored, which explains the origin of its unusual name. The German word for peppermint is PfeffErminZ. Take the first, middle, and last letters of the word and you get PEZ!
Which leads to the available flavors.
In the United States, only Grape, Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, and Peppermint (I am a large consumer of PEZ and don't recall ever having peppermint) flavors are available. Hop across the border to Canada and you can add Cherry to your stash.
Raspberry and Apple are available in Spain. Chocolate is available in Hungary and Thailand.
An unusual type known as IZO PEZ is also available - it is vitamin enriched (does a vitamin enriched candy make sense to you?).
The most unusual flavors, however, have to be the discontinued ones: Chlorophyll, Cinnamon, Coffee, Eucalyptus, Flower (just what do flowers taste like?), Licorice, and Menthol.
What were the marketing guys thinking of when they came up with some of these flavors?
Useless? Useful? I’ll leave that for you to decide.
Posted by Angie at 10:57 AM 3 comments
Labels: My favorite candy
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Reminded to be amazed
I wish we could all live in a world that brings utter fascination and amazement to us everyday. I love my job now but I miss some aspects of staying home and having a daycare. The part I miss I was reminded of on Sunday. My grandparents have their annual going away dinner it combines Halloween/Thanksgiving/X-mas and birthdays in the surrounding months, so there is a lot of people in one house.
My cousins all have much younger children then mine and they had been out collecting caterpillars which of coarse grandma had provided butter tubs to each child to keep them in.
Jackson is three and had managed to capture three caterpillars. They live in Wichita and his dad was trying to convince him to let the caterpillars go before they went home the conversation went like this:
Chris (father): Jackson we need to let them go they can't go home with us.
Jackson: No we don't they can go home with me.
Chris: Jackson do you know what caterpillars turn into?
Jackson: They won't spill
Chris: OK but do you know what they turn into?
Jackson: Nooooo?
Chris: They turn into butterflies
Jackson: Butterflies? NO WAY DUDE, YOUR KIDDING ME?
Chris: Nope not kidding, butterflies
Jackson then preceded to check with mom to make sure dad wasn't kidding and then take the tub around to everyone and tell them that the caterpillars would turn into butterflies.
I wish that something would amaze me like that everyday, pure utter amazement with how life works and what will happen and most of all I wish it was an amazement that left me smiling.
Posted by Angie at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: caterpillars
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Think about our future
Last night I was thinking that I would cast my vote for whatever party would pass a bill making a common sense test mandatory for parenting but after reading this maybe it needs to be the party that also makes it necessary to actually spend time with your children and monitor what they are watching on T.V. This is what I read:
- Children spend 1,023 hours a year watching T.V. compared to 900 hours in school
- On average 38.5 minutes per week of meaningful conversation happens between a parent and his or her child.
Posted by Angie at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: t.v. OD
I am not going to least not soon....or by natural causes. I got the results back on the biopsy and they say that my tongue has a callous kinda like your fingers get when you have been doing physical work they think it is because I get acid reflex sometimes, I mean really all this drama because I can't get along with green peppers and onions
Posted by Angie at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Test ok
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I found a new sight that I love it has lots of little information on it, its called check it out, its all about a better us.
I learned that people need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 for maintenace and 12 for growth. This explains so much on the days that I get at least on hug from each of my kids and one from my husband then I feel great.....imagine what would happen if they all hugged me a minumum of 3 times each day I might become a adult
Posted by Angie at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Great sight
Monday, October 6, 2008
More Drama!!
OK if you also have Facebook then you know that my life has been a little crazy lately. I went to the dentist a year ago for my annual teeth cleaning and they didn't like the look of my tongue but thought they would just wait and look at it next year later next cleaning, they really don't like the look of my tongue so they send me to a specialist in Manhattan, to look at my tongue.
They didn't just look at my tongue they put a BIG needle in my tongue and cut off a piece for a biopsy the piece itself was little maybe _____ that long and not much wider. It might as well have been the Grand Canyon it felt like they had cut half my tongue off. Head back to the school to let co-workers know that I am going home....or thought I was. I get back to the school and realize that the stitches they just put in have come out and I will now have to go back to Manhattan for new stitches and another BIG needle. They finally get me stitched up with stitches they will have to remove on Tuesday the 7th and send my home with some really goooood drugs. I find out the results tomorrow, they thought one of two possible infections because of Acid Reflux or Cancer but the last one was very far down the list. I will keep you posted on the results but I have learned one thing from this experience and that is I WILL NEVER PIERCE MY TONGUE!!!
Posted by Angie at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: My tongue a very needed part
Thursday, September 25, 2008
This is at the Kansas Junior Livestock Show. This picture has a story with it, this goat weighed 115 lbs (very big for a show goat) we kept it as a friend for another goat that she wanted to show. I had told Kaylee that she should more then likely expect to stand dead last in class, she stood third from the bottom. When she made it past two other goats she acted like she had won the lottery in fact her face was so happy her brother asked if she realized that they where placing from the bottom up? She actually looked more excited in this class then in the class that she stood in third place.
The girls had some free time and needed to finish reading to get thier AR points for school. The older girls had been reading for a little bit and then they got company and she wanted to hear the story to.
Posted by Angie at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: weekend road
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Home school??
I am so going to pull a "Dooce" and hope it doesn't come back at me, but I am really considering home schooling and I teach. We are only five weeks into school and I think I have visited the youngest child's classroom four times and have become this teachers favorite e-mail buddy.Talked to the Principal about inappropriate teacher issues with the middle child, argued with the grade school secretary about involving my children in financial issues that don't concern them.......OMG!!!! Do you suppose I have earned the lable of the biggest "beep" yet?
Yet I am supposed to play nice, my friend Sarah asked if anyone else today was drinking from the grumpy cup, I think I skipped the cup and drank directly from the grumpy jug.
Posted by Angie at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life is what it is
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Fantasy Football....UGH!!!
Ok I just have to say that I am SO sick of fantasy football. We now have two men in our classroom and this is all they talk about. It is to the point I suggested out loud that I was joining the Fantasy Miss America team,yes people I was being sarcastic!!! Then I find out that there is a web sight for Women Against Fantasy Sports (WAFS) YEAH it's not just me that is tired of the fantasy crap. I mean honestly it is bad enough that football is on my television set three nights a week and in order to have a conversation I have to stand in front of the T.V. to get my husbands attention (see dad I use it for a greater good these days) now I have to take a number at work behind the latest pick, who got hurt in the last game...blah, blah,blah
Posted by Angie at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Is it over yet??
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Where have I been?
Yes we survied the summer, yes I am a lousy summer blogger, mostly because you have to be inside to blog and I hate that during the summer. I did complete most of my list over the summer.
We had two major things that happened over the summer. We followed our sheep around to diffrent fairs and watched the kids that bought them show----way more stressful then our own children showing.
The second major thing that happened was that our son bought a motorcycle. If you have to ask why this is major then you either don't have children driving yet or you are a man. He did take a two weekend saftey course but he is my baby and it is not how safe he drives it is the rest of the idiots on the road!!! Doesn't he look so grown up? To bad girls he can't give rides yet the rule is NO extra people on the bike.
All the kids taking a picture with the "bike"
Posted by Angie at 10:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: summer catch up
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Fireworks show
We went to Hanover this last Saturday to watch the fireworks, it was as always the best fireworks show I have seen. I will of course go to others over the 4th of July weekend and they will all be compared to the show at Hanover, making me think that Hanover should by LAW have to be the ending fireworks show not the starter!!! I mean how do you compete with that? My mom printed up 1800 flyers to hand out that night (one per car) and they where almost gone when we got there at 6:30, show started at 10 they estimated 8 thousand people in Hanover Saturday night. This is a picture of my three great kids, I loved this picture because it caught all of their personalities, if you know our children you can see what I am talking about.
Pictures of some of the fireworks being shot from the ground up, turned out better then I thought it would
Jake and Kaylee with Papa (my dad) at the fireworks I did take pictures with my mom but my husband made a comment and my mom made me promise not to print it (she reads my blog she would know) so for the "wine snob" no picture will be printed. (love ya mom)
Posted by Angie at 11:41 AM 1 comments
Labels: family time
Friday, June 27, 2008
The sheep protector
I have had so many people ask me about our Llama, so here he is. His name is Bahama, he got the name from the people we bought him and the sheep from the wife called him that because that is where she wanted to go but because of him and the sheep she couldn't take a vacation there. It would have required being gone to long for someone else to do chores.
Bahama looks kinda of cute in the first picture but that is not up close, up close I thin he looks scary. This is him sneaking up on my because I am taking his picture. We have him because he protects the sheep from predators like coyotes, if a coyote is close he will circle around the sheep and make sure that nothing gets to them.
This is a up close picture he is trying to smell the camera and make sure that it won't hurt his you see those big teeth SCARY!! They also have teeth farther back in their mouth that are like snake fangs they clamp on and ripe away skin instead of biting it off.....Bahama doesn't have those anymore they have been removed for the keepers safety. He does spit on you if he doesn't want you to get to close to him, it is a nasty green STAY BACK
Posted by Angie at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bahama
This is a picture of my tattoo that I got Monday, wanted to post about sooner (was/am really excited) but I wanted my mom to know about it before the rest of the (no she doesn't disapprove just wanted her to know first that her child had permanently inked her body) It is on the top of my foot and didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would.
Why a scorpion? It is my Zodiac sign and if you know anything about astrology I fit perfectly within the realm of this sign.
Posted by Angie at 10:39 AM 2 comments
Labels: TATTOO
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
OK so I haven't posted for some time, it is summer and I am fully enjoying it!! We have been really busy, the new cheer leading season has started and I took my girls to a camp at Cloud it was a two day camp that was perfect for Jr. High students. We had a private camp this year because Cloud was trying to decide if this was something they wanted to pursue. They had seen the squad last year at competition and at some games and wanted to try them out as a test run so to say...made me feel good as a coach. They will use my girls as advertisement for their flyer's for next year and the team gets to go cheer at a Cloud College Basketball game, EXCITEMENT!!! Here is most of my team minus two, one girl couldn't come to camp and another was arriving late due to basketball camp.
OK this is scary we loaded (stuffed) two Suburbans with all of the girl's luggage, this was for one night not sure I have large enough transportation to take them more then one night.
This was the team pulling out these awesome stunting mats (am so begging my school for some) We learned some new stunts that we will perfect throughout this next year and some we might use for competition.
I just included this picture because I thought they all looked so cute in their bright green shorts and black tops....I love this outfit. (That is sis front and center isn't she cute? Say yes, OK so I am her mom still think she is the cutest one out there)
I had to include this picture, it is of the team on the last day of camp and look we added a new member. The Janitorial staff was walking through the gym and the Cloud coach told her she should join the picture because her shoes matched our shorts and so to my surprise she slid in sideways and posed with the girls, the friends that you make, life is good!
Posted by Angie at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I DID IT AGAIN!! I forgot my anniversary yes people I am horrible. I do love my husband, I love being married I would even marry my husband again today but for some reason I can not remember the date I was married. I remember birthdays, phone numbers, every ones schedules for the week and tons of other things maybe that's the problem. The last two years Duane has also forgotten allowing me to feel less guilt, this year however, he remembered boy did he remember a sapphire necklace and ring remembrance (man i love this guy).
My guilt, I scheduled a girls night OK OK I am not completely evil. A friend of mine lost her mom a not that long ago and I knew she was having a hard time and was completely stressed with some things that are going on with life so I thought a evening out would be good then she called our conversation went like this:
Friend: Are you sure you want to go out Wednesday?
Me: Yes why is it not going to work for you?
Friend: Well it works for me but I don't know that it will work for you?
Me: Why is that?
Friend: Well, it is your anniversary....and you forgot again didn't you?
Me: Yes I did, Yes I did, dang it!! Wonder if Duane will remember doubt it and it is a week night so we are probably still on.
Now before you all think that I am evil and that Duane is "Prince of all that is Good" we had talked after he lost his ring that for our anniversary I wanted to replace his wedding ring with me not working in the summer we knew this would have to wait until this next fall, and we have talked about what he wants and that we would need to have it custom made
Nothing I post in this is going to make me look less flaky or cold hearted and I know it should be a big date to remember but frankly I love my husband every day so picking one day that I should love him more or show him more I think is crazy. I think love is making it though the daily chores, raising three kids together and combining parenting styles, starting a business together, and doing all of this and still wanting to get up the next day and do it with the same person again, this to me is love. I guess our anniversary, to me, is the day for everyone outside of our lives to remember how much we love each other by how many years we have stuck out the daily grind baby I do love you and Happy Anniversary!!
Posted by Angie at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: June 4th
Friday, May 23, 2008
Just stuff
I had to post this for my mom this is what I have left until vacation:
4 hours 23 min and 30 sec
Ok just so you all don't think I am sitting around doing nothing this summer this is the list that got started for summer just this morning and I am sure it will only grow
- Laundry
- Pick up and put away
- Clean the carpets
- Finish painting the trim in the kitchen
- Weed the flower garden and plant flowers
- Sheer the ewes
- Work with the hiefers
- Take girls to gymnastics
- Start working with next years cheerleaders
I will keep you posted with summer activites and how the list is going
Posted by Angie at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: stuff
Friday, May 16, 2008
Did you know
6 truths of life:
1) You cannot touch all of your teeth with your tongue.
2) All idiots, after reading the first truth, try it.
3) The first truth is a lie.
4) You're smiling now cause you are a idiot.
5) You will soon do this to another idiot.
6) There is still a stupid smile on your face.
Ok had to post this because a student of mine did this in a class and it was hilarous to watch everyone try it and then find out it was a joke. (End of the year anything at this point is funny)
Posted by Angie at 9:54 AM 1 comments
Labels: pass it on
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Zoo Trip
Group picture of all my students that went to the zoo in Omaha, I love this trip, the zoo is amazing and the kids have so much fun.
This peacock posed so we could take a also scared one of my girls when it squawked!!
This is typical my boys see the sign and have decided that following the rules would just be to complicated.
I love this picture mainly because of what happened after I took the picture. The kid standing behind Jacob told him that he was the odd man in the boat and did he really belong in the boat?
Posted by Angie at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
At work
Ok I really love my job today at lunch the discussion at the teachers table was:
- Drugs
- Camel toes
- Mushroom
Yes they did occur in this order and No I am not kidding.
Mom I know this is not the pictures you wanted to see. Samantha has my camera card, I hope to get that tomarrow and by the way I now have 9 days 22 hours and 52 min and 20 sec. until vacation.
Posted by Angie at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: what
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The count down
There are 10 days 3 hours and 30 min until we get out for summer!!!
Just thought you would all like to know
Posted by Angie at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: summer
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Why not me
This is a flattened coin.....stamped money that was once a penny. Perfectly good money that has been run through a machine and stamped with a picture to remind you of places you have been. Frankly if you need a smashed coin to remind you where you were was it really that great? You know you are going to wind up with this in that magic drawer. The one that we in our house call the junk drawer, the place where all the stuff goes that you are to sentimental about to just throw out or insistent that you might need it later. Did you know that these little souvenirs actually have a name? According to Wikipeda they are called Elongated coins, "coins that have been flattened, stretched and imprinted with a new design with the purpose of creating a commemorative or souvenir token." Why am I blogging about this? Well I took my class kids to the zoo in Omaha (pictures to come) and they came home with tons of these little things as my co-workers and I sat at McDonald's (pit stop on the way home) we where talking that we need to find some little doo-dad that we could charge people for because off my kids alone those machines made a ton of money. They put in a penny and fifty cents and get back their penny that is no longer spendable and has been smashed and imprinted with some silly picture. What the heck it was a penny when it went in now it is basically nothing, I can't spend it but I just gave you fifty cents to smash up my money............I am so jealous of the guy that figured this out.
Posted by Angie at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: coins what the heck
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Random stuff
This is a random blog we have spent the weekend working on the sheep business., going to the show at Alma to see how the sheep we sold did and delivering sheep to buyers to get them off our feed bill. We also spent the week following are kids to different activities.This is Allissa doing the high jump at the Riley Relays not bad form. I was impressed I could never get my butt off the ground to make the high jump work right.
We spent Saturday evening at the Grade School they have their annual carnival. They set up games in all the hallways and it cost so much for the tickets that allow the kids to play the games. The money is used to support different activities throughout the year....the kids have a blast and now that my kids are older Duane and I look like those looser parents because we sit on the benches and hang out instead of volunteering to run a game. (the girls would rather be with their friends then mom and dad) I figure I put in enough hours of volunteer time with cheer leading!! This is Kaylee and two of her best friends.
Allissa and some of her friends posed for a pic. not hard at this age to convince them to do so..the school also has a dance for 7Th and 8Th graders after the carnival so the girls where all dressed up and looking very cute.
Jacob had the opprotunity to go to Kansas City to the speedway and watch races this is a picture that he text me, think he was trying to rub in the fact that he was some place way kewl and we where stuck at home....he succeeded...would have loved to have been at the races. Thought he did a great job catching a car on his phone with how fast they go.
Posted by Angie at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: our lives
Friday, April 25, 2008
Art Trip
I get to go on a few field trips around this time of year, I love them. I know, I know I must be crazy on a bus all day and filled with High school kids but I think it is great. The kids are usually very well behaved and outside of a classroom you often see a new side to students that gives some great insight. Every year the first year art classes go to the Nelson/Adkins art museum in Kansas City. If you haven't been there and art is an interest to you at all you really should go see it they have several pieces that are amazing. I will post some new pictures in a couple weeks of the next field trip on the 30Th I get to go to the Omaha zoo...yeah!!This was one of the trees out in the front court yard they where every where and it was so beautiful.
This is my boss, now you know why I love my job any guy that looks like this cannot be to hard to work for, he is very laid back and easy going. He let his hair grow out the last year and it is taking some getting used to.
We ate a Japanese restaurant in Topeka. They cook the food right in front of you and they involve the kids. The kids reaction is the best I have been their several times now and it is never the same because of the kids and what they is great!!
This is the group we were getting ready for a group picture so i snapped one of my own...what a great bunch of kids.
Posted by Angie at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Field trips
Thursday, April 24, 2008
There are some things that are considered family traditions I am sure you have some in your families that have nothing to do with holidays, ours is the circus. My grandpa was a Shriner something that I was and am very proud of I can remember walking into the circus when I was very little and my grandpa in his funny hat with the tassel and knowing that he was important in someway and felling very good about it (later understanding that feeling was pride in my grandpa.) The Shriner's help thousands of kids every year and expect no payment so helping to support them while enjoying a show how great is that!! We sit in the same spot most years this is the view we see of the three rings

Posted by Angie at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Circus